Saturday, July 12, 2008

From 0 to 4 in one week

After three weeks of no running due to probable Achilles tendonitis, I got in my fourth (short) run of the week this morning. I woke up early again - my body clock seems to be resetting itself nicely for morning running - and did one meager mile*. It was another sweat bath - humid and 76 degrees despite the early hour. I want to run farther but there's some slight lingering tightness in my right calf/Achilles that I can feel after running. Until that is gone I have to listen to my body and work through this.

I'm skipping Day 3 of pushups this week (Week 3). Day 2 kicked my butt and Day 3 looks even tougher. I just read Ellie's interesting idea about dropping down a level, and I'm considering doing that next week. Alternately I may go to 2 days a week and lift dumbbells once a week, something I haven't done in a few weeks now. I still like the goal of 100 pushups but I may need to take my own path to get there.

*This is an estimate. Most of my runs are measured by time, not distance, but occasional time trials and races tell me a lot about my pacing. Perhaps someday I'll own a Garmin, but not right now.


Andrew is getting fit said...

Hmm...stepping down a level is probably going to be a must for me I think. But we'll see how it goes I guess. They are damn hard after a bit.

Ellie Hamilton said...

Oh, geez, take care of that heel/leg!!! (Says one who knows...) The cycle of balf-baked rest, self-treatment, return to running/hiking too soon, get overconfident, overdo, re-aggravate, repeat is what got me now sidelined for the whole summer with a freaking partial tear. Do not fool around with this! If it keeps bothering you, go to the doctor!

OK, I'm off my rant now :-)

I'm going to go ahead with tomorrow's workout for Level 3 and if it's too much drop back to Level 2.

Jeff said...

Good luck to both of you on the pushups this week. I'm thinking of repeating Week 3 but dropping down one level and taking 2 minutes rest between sets. That would still represent a higher workload than Week 2.

Ellie, thanks for your candid advice. It is certainly welcome. I should stop fooling myself with this, stop being so stubborn and see a doctor. That may have to wait for a short time (more on that another day), but I'll be careful in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

I echo what Ellie says, Jeff. It can be a vicious cycle...but from what it sounds like you're taking it slow. Just continue taking it easy...

...I also wanted to let you know I've switched back to my old running blog (see new name).

formerly justatrailrunningfool

Anonymous said...

I echo what Ellie says, Jeff. It can be a vicious cycle...but from what it sounds like you're taking it slow. Just continue taking it easy...

...I also wanted to let you know I've switched back to my old running blog (see new name).

formerly justatrailrunningfool

Jeff said...

Unfinished person,

Thanks... I'll try to be patient with my recovery. July has often been a tough running month for me and this year is no different.

I've noted your blog change and I've updated my blogroll accordingly.